A Video Library for the Aware

Unlike daily news, these messages will always be relevant because they reveal eternal truths. This library, like a family heirloom, is to be passed on to future generations for guidance. It is indexed for quick access by key words, names, and topics. Downloading to your private collection is encouraged. With your help, these gems can be preserved for all time.

Random Selections from the Archives

Arise Homo Sapiens; A Discourse by Sacha Stone

This presentation is both provocative and challenging. It is provocative because it questions the source of some of our most cherished beliefs. It...

3 Ways Bitcoin could be Brought Down, Co-opted, or Made Irrelevant

In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto served the world an entirely new kind of currency. It was one that people could move over the internet instantaneously and...

The Theory of Evolution has One Tiny Flaw – No Real Evidence

David Berlinski holds degrees from or has taught at Columbia, Princeton, Stanford, Rutgers, and University of Paris. He has authored books on higher...

The US Government Plans to Survive while Taxpayers Die

Historian/journalist Garrett Graff reveals the details of how the U.S. government for sixty years has developed secret Doomsday plans for protecting...

False Witness to create Race Conflict in America

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert's documentary, "The Trayvon Hoax", shows how the 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin triggered a wave of animosity from blacks...

Urgent-Care Doctors Explain why Quarantine is a Bad Idea

Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, owners of an urgent care facility in California, say hospitals are empty because 'non-essential' surgeries...

Professor Jordan Peterson Rejects Global-Warming Hysteria

Professor Peterson's answer was No. The question was did he think global-warming could unify mankind at last....

China’s Chief Epidemiologist admits COVID-19 was Never Proven to Exist

Andrew Kaufman, MD, interviewed by Del Bigtree, delivers an excellent short course on the risks of Covid tests and vaccines. The Interview is...

A Lost Civilization That Once Spanned the World

This presentation by Jimmy Corsetti will likely blow your mind. 250 photos and comparisons of archeological sites around the world show that there...

The Transhuman Agenda Is behind Covid

This production is a documentary on the Covid pandemic that never was. It features the medical commentary of Carrie Madej, MD, and the program host,...

MIT Scientist Says Viruses Do Not Harm or Kill us

Shiva Ayyadurai, PhD, a scientist at MIT, conducts a crash course on the immune system. Viruses and bacteria comprise a large part of our bodies,...

Everything They are Doing to Control COVID-19 is Wrong

Professor Knut Wittkowski, former head of the Department of Epidemiology at Rockefeller University, speaks out against the fact that the...

Deception was My Job – KGB Defector Tells All

Yuri Bezmenov, the son of a high-ranking Soviet officer, was a member of the elite propaganda arm of the KGB, known as the Novasti Press Agency. One...

How Nazis and Socialists Conquered America

This is the personal testimony of Kitty Werthmann who saw Hitler’s rise to power in pre-war Austria. He did not conquer by force. He was eagerly...

New Freedom Media Will Also be Controlled

The Amazing Polly has done an excellent job of pulling together all the names and financial connections of the movers-and-shakers behind the...

Who Changed America from a Republic into a Financial Empire?

Money may not be the root of all evil, but debt-based money IS the root of the economic evil now descending on America. That’s the message from...

Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus – and the Rest of the Story

Here is one of the best investigative documentaries ever produced – as far as it goes. However, what it omits makes it one of the most dangerous as...

Head Scientist at Pfizer Says Covid Threat is 100% Fake

Prior to forming his own biotech company in 2011, Michael Yeadon was the Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer for Allergy & Respiratory...

Government Expert Witness Confirms Vaccines Can Cause Autism

Sheryl Attkisson reveals in her TV program, Full Measure, that a CDC scientist was silenced by the US government after reporting that vaccines can...

The Emperor has no Clothes – and There is no Pandemic

David Icke Dares to say what many of us have suspected but were hesitant to speak publicly lest we be thought insane. Everyone by now is aware that...

Died Suddenly – Documentary on Vaccine Deaths

This documentary cuts to the core of the case against so-called Covid vaccines: Instead of protecting against Covid, the injections are injuring and...

Watch this Demonstration of Vote Rigging with Machines

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fob-AGgZn44 In this explosive video, the reality of vote fraud by code in voting machines can be conclusively...

NAFTA Renegotiation – Why We Must Withdraw!

The Globalists are currently active in efforts to conquer the United States. They are operating on three primary fronts. One front is by...

Government Fascism at the Trucker’s Protest in Ottawa

You don't have to live in Canada to be outraged by what unfolds in this video. The action speaks for itself. at the end, pay close attention to the...

More Deadly than War – The Communist Revolution in America

This address by G. Edward Griffin delivered on April 3, 1969 is as current as today's headlines. Drawing entirely from Communist literature and...

15 Most Recent Additions

All others can be accessed at the Archives

The Great Awakening 5 (35)

The Great Awakening 5 (35)

The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic film series produced by Mikki Willis. It delivers an incredibly insigtful message about about...

Murdered for her bed! 5 (38)

Murdered for her bed! 5 (38)

Dr. Vernon Coleman, self-described as “an old man in a chair”, is a retired medical doctor in the UK with a large international following for his...

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