A Video Library for the Aware

Unlike daily news, these messages will always be relevant because they reveal eternal truths. This library, like a family heirloom, is to be passed on to future generations for guidance. It is indexed for quick access by key words, names, and topics. Downloading to your private collection is encouraged. With your help, these gems can be preserved for all time.

Random Selections from the Archives

A Lost Civilization That Once Spanned the World

This presentation by Jimmy Corsetti will likely blow your mind. 250 photos and comparisons of archeological sites around the world show that there...

Candace Owens: “George Floyd is NOT my Hero”

In this message, recorded on her mobile phone, Candace Owens rapid-fires fact after fact that politicians and mainstream media refuse to mention...

32 Doctors from 11 Countries Warn against Taking the COVID-19 Vaccine

There are strong reasons to believe the COVID-19 vaccine is dangerous. Only those who who know nothing about...

The Left Wing & Right Wing are Both on the Same Bird Called Collectivism

G. Edward Griffin, interviewed by Christian Gomez, gives a short-course in political science leading to the awareness that Communism, Fascism,...

Former Leftwing Blogger Exposes Media Lies about Alleged Racism

St. Paul, Minnesota: A store manager from the Chipotle fast food chain refused to serve Masud Ali, a black man, and several of his friends before...

Escape from Hell – Yeonmi Park Describes her Life under Communism

Yeonmi Park, interviewed by Patrick Bet-David, tells her gripping story of starvation in North Korea, being sold as a sex slave in China, escape to...

Why we Must get our Kids out of Public Schools

Mikki Willis interviews Dr. Mark McDonald, a respected psychiatrist who has been working intimately with children in California for many years. He...

New Freedom Media Will Also be Controlled

The Amazing Polly has done an excellent job of pulling together all the names and financial connections of the movers-and-shakers behind the...

Lockdown – the Dark Side vs. the Right Side of History

This video includes two presentations: the dark vs. the right side of history in context of the 2020 pandemic...

How Joseph Stalin Concealed the Death of Adolph Hitler

The death of Adolph Hitler has long been shrouded in mystery and in suspicion that he escaped to South America where he assumed a new persona and...

Authorities without Conscience in an Age of Corruption

Charmian Gooch is a British anti-corruption campaigner and co-founder of Global Witness, where she works to expose and stop corruption involving the...

Unseen Forces behind the Fame and Fortune of Bill Gates

James Corbett's fourth installment of his series on Bill Gates examines Gates' youth, family history, business strategies, and surprising personal...

60 Minutes Exposes Swine-Flu Hoax and Vaccine Injuries of 1976

This is a largely forgotten episode of CBS’s 60 Minutes in which the program’s lead reporter, Mike Wallace, exposes profound corruption and fraud at...

San Diego Resident Confronts Health Director on Covid Lies

Shaun Frederickson, a resident of San Diego, California, publicly confronts County Health Director, Dr. Wilma Wooten, with her own published...

Is the Official Story about the Oklahoma City Bombing a Lie?

Astounding evidence that the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City was done with explosives inside the building, not from a truck on...

The Covid Con Game and End Game

Dr. Lee Merritt, an Orthopedic Surgeon in Onawa, Iowa, is interviewed by Jeff Dornik and delivers an amazingly comprehensive overview of the motives...

Robots at Your Door to check Vaccine Status? They are Working on it.

It's called contact tracing, and it's for your own good - or so the story goes. We are told that those killer viruses are here to stay, and they...

Global Warming Totally and Mercilessly Debunked

Marc Morano, producer of the documentary Climate Hustle, delivers a trainload of facts to support his forensic analysis of the theory of global...

The Useful Idiots of Leninism and Technocracy

Patrick Wood, Publisher of Technocracy News, analyses the crumbling tranquility and political stability in America as of June, 2020. He shows how...

Separation-of-Powers Doctrine Brilliantly Explained to US Senators

US Senator, Ben Sasse, speaking at the Congressional hearings for confirmation of the appointment of Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh,...

Dr. Tim Ball Crushes Climate Change: The Biggest Deception in History

President Trump was correct to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. He could have explained that the science was premeditated and deliberately...

Deadliest Virus in the World: Communism

With this video Charlie Kirk squeezes into just 8 minutes (1) how Communists worldwide have used violent conflict, based on identity politics, to...

Why the Theory of Evolution is So-o Unscientific

A.E. Wilder-Smith was a British university professor in the 1970s who challenged the theory of evolution between species on scientific grounds. He...

Why the Environmental Movement was Created and Funded by Big Oil

This documentary (Why Big Oil Conquered the World) by James Corbett answers the question by reviewing the statements and historical actions of the...

Media Crimes – When Journalists are Propagandists

This is a collage of video clips from numerous sources, containing personal statements from reporters, editors, and other media professionals. It...

15 Most Recent Additions

All others can be accessed at the Archives

The Great Awakening 5 (38)

The Great Awakening 5 (38)

The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic film series produced by Mikki Willis. It delivers an incredibly insigtful message about about...

Murdered for her bed! 5 (39)

Murdered for her bed! 5 (39)

Dr. Vernon Coleman, self-described as “an old man in a chair”, is a retired medical doctor in the UK with a large international following for his...

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