A Video Library for the Aware

Unlike daily news, these messages will always be relevant because they reveal eternal truths. This library, like a family heirloom, is to be passed on to future generations for guidance. It is indexed for quick access by key words, names, and topics. Downloading to your private collection is encouraged. With your help, these gems can be preserved for all time.

Random Selections from the Archives

Group Insanity in Doctor’s Waiting Room

Will people in a doctor’s waiting room stand up to the sound of a buzzer merely because others do so? The hidden camera answers the question with a...

The White Knights Will Save You

Commentary by G. Edward Griffin:  The QAnon phenomenon that appeared shortly after Donald Trump became President of the United States in 2017...

Why we Must get our Kids out of Public Schools

Mikki Willis interviews Dr. Mark McDonald, a respected psychiatrist who has been working intimately with children in California for many years. He...

Candace Owens: “George Floyd is NOT my Hero”

In this message, recorded on her mobile phone, Candace Owens rapid-fires fact after fact that politicians and mainstream media refuse to mention...

When did Global Overpopulation become Underpopulation?

Perhaps you have suspected that the specter of world overpopulation has been exaggerated but still accept the inevitability that, sooner or later,...

Everything They are Doing to Control COVID-19 is Wrong

Professor Knut Wittkowski, former head of the Department of Epidemiology at Rockefeller University, speaks out against the fact that the...

Idea Pathogens are Killing Common Sense

You don't have to live in Canada to be outraged by what unfolds in this video. The action speaks for itself. at the end, pay close attention to the...

Debunking the “Gender Wage Gap” Hoax

In this short video, Prager University masterfully debunks the myth (or lie) that women earn less than men for the same work. It boils down to...

Jordan Peterson: The Dangerous I.Q. Debate

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APneKDezEWI Dr. Jordan Peterson explains the nuances in the difficult IQ and race debate, and concludes with a...

The US Government Plans to Survive while Taxpayers Die

Historian/journalist Garrett Graff reveals the details of how the U.S. government for sixty years has developed secret Doomsday plans for protecting...

Engineered Pandemics –Tyranny by Technocracy

This is a comprehensive overview of the hidden agendas behind the alleged COVID-19 pandemic. It is a presentation by Lee Merritt, MD, at the 2020...

The Real Bill Gates wants Population Culling

Bill Gates generally is portrayed as a kindly philanthropist who generously funds projects to improve health and fight poverty. As shown in this...

Looking Ahead to 2018

This webinar was presented on December 28, 2017 to friends of Red Pill University. It covered a wide range of topics including crypto-currencies,...

9/11 Whistle Blower Fired for Revealing Errors in Government’s Report

Kevin Ryan was site manager at a subsidiary of Underwriters Laboratories, that tests products for safety. UL certified the steel used to build the...

Murdered for her bed!

Dr. Vernon Coleman, self-described as “an old man in a chair”, is a retired medical doctor in the UK with a large international following for his...

Collectivism and the Federal Reserve

This presentation will change the way you think about politics, money, and the role of the state. It was delivered at a political fund-raising...

Janitor in North Tower on 9/11 Describes Explosions before Plane Impact

On 9/11, William Rodriguez, a janitor with a master key to the North Tower of the World Trade Center, risked his life to help those trapped inside....

Doctor Says COVID-19 Death Statistics are Criminally Fraudulent

Dr. Pamela Popper, teacher and consultant in the field of nutrition-based medicine, reviews the COVID-19 death statistics and shows they are...

Why the Environmental Movement was Created and Funded by Big Oil

This documentary (Why Big Oil Conquered the World) by James Corbett answers the question by reviewing the statements and historical actions of the...

Global Warming Totally and Mercilessly Debunked

Marc Morano, producer of the documentary Climate Hustle, delivers a trainload of facts to support his forensic analysis of the theory of global...

The Money Gods – How Fascism Came to America

Historian and journalist F. William Engdahl delivers in one lecture an amazingly comprehensive overview of international capital concentration and...

Funeral Director Says Variant Deaths are Vaccine Deaths

John O’Looney has been a funeral director in the UK for over 15 years. In this video of a conversation with Max Igan, an Internet commentator in...

An Idea Whose Time has Come – Freedom Force International

History in the making. This is the first public presentation of Freedom Force International. The date was 2006 June 11. There have been many...

Dr. Peter McCullough on Covid Fraud & Genocide

Peter McCullough, MD, is interviewed on the X22 Report and responds to questions that cut to the core of the explosive global increase of deaths...

The Useful Idiots of Leninism and Technocracy

Patrick Wood, Publisher of Technocracy News, analyses the crumbling tranquility and political stability in America as of June, 2020. He shows how...

15 Most Recent Additions

All others can be accessed at the Archives

The Great Awakening 5 (37)

The Great Awakening 5 (37)

The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic film series produced by Mikki Willis. It delivers an incredibly insigtful message about about...

Murdered for her bed! 5 (39)

Murdered for her bed! 5 (39)

Dr. Vernon Coleman, self-described as “an old man in a chair”, is a retired medical doctor in the UK with a large international following for his...

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