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Class-Action Lawsuit – Reiner Fuellmich Interview 4.8 (241)

Class-Action Lawsuit – Reiner Fuellmich Interview 4.8 (241)

German trial lawyer Reiner Fuellmich follows up on his initial announcement of class-action lawsuits against perpetrators of what he calls the pandemic hoax. He summarizes the main charges that he says easily will be proved through the process of discovery and witness...

Funeral Director Says Variant Deaths are Vaccine Deaths 4.7 (59)

Funeral Director Says Variant Deaths are Vaccine Deaths 4.7 (59)

John O’Looney has been a funeral director in the UK for over 15 years. In this video of a conversation with Max Igan, an Internet commentator in Australia, O’Looney says that UK funeral directors are being pressured, bribed, and threatened to conceal the true cause of...

Urgent-Care Doctors Explain why Quarantine is a Bad Idea 4.6 (36)

Urgent-Care Doctors Explain why Quarantine is a Bad Idea 4.6 (36)

Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, owners of an urgent care facility in California, say hospitals are empty because 'non-essential' surgeries have been canceled while many doctors and nurses have been sent home to make room for COVID-19 patients that never showed...

Government Expert Witness Confirms Vaccines Can Cause Autism 4.6 (10)

Government Expert Witness Confirms Vaccines Can Cause Autism 4.6 (10)

Sheryl Attkisson reveals in her TV program, Full Measure, that a CDC scientist was silenced by the US government after reporting that vaccines can cause autism. In 2007, Dr. Andrew Zimmerman was the government's top witness in a vaccine-court case, and he testified...

The War against Forced Vaccinations is Underway 4.3 (4)

The War against Forced Vaccinations is Underway 4.3 (4)

Del Bigtree, globally recognized Enemy Number One of the vaccine industry, takes the stage at Red Pill Expo 2020 at Jekyll Island and lays it on the line. He says that, because the public is rapidly waking up to the horrible health hazards of vaccines, the vaccine...

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