The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic film series produced by Mikki Willis. It delivers an incredibly insigtful message about about the pending collapse of civilization as we know it in the wake of a pretended pandemic called COVID-19. It not...
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Weaponizing Covid to Advance Collectivism
With the passage of time, the data has become overwhelming that the so-called Covid Pandemic was a man-made version of the Flu that eventually could serve as a plausible excuse to require everyone in the world to agree to endless so-called vaccinations, which was the...
Covid Criminals will be Tried for Crimes Against Humanity
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is a board certified family physician with over 20 years experience. His team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of Covid-19 patients in a prehospital setting. In this interview, Dr. Zelenko explains why he...
San Diego Resident Confronts Health Director on Covid Lies
Shaun Frederickson, a resident of San Diego, California, publicly confronts County Health Director, Dr. Wilma Wooten, with her own published statistics, which prove she is lying about the number of Covid deaths in the county. He concludes the only reason to lie is to...
Class-Action Lawsuit against Pandemic Authorities
Reiner Fuellmich, is a lawyer with over two decades of experience challenging large corporations for illegal and unethical practices. Now he has turned his attention to the brazen fraud committed by a relatively small international syndicate of criminals posing as...
InDoctorNation (Plandemic 2) Making a Killing with Covid
Wikipedia and other Establishment ‘fact checkers’ are having an attack of apoplexy describing this documentary as an anti-vaccine, conspiracy-theory smorgasbord. Remove the word theory, and the statement is accurate. In fact, it is one of the most truthful and...
The Coronavirus Pandemic that Never Was
In March 2020, international best-selling author, Dr. Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, was the first medical doctor to describe the coronavirus pandemic as a hoax. Here he analyzes how it was perpetrated from its beginning, and shows how politicians and drug-industry...
Governor Noem tells how South Dakota Benefited from no Lockdown
Kristy Noem, Governor of South Dakota, speaking at a conference of Hillsdale College, describes how she came to reject the advice of national and international authorities who were calling for masking, social distancing, and lockdown measures supposedly to combat a...
Europe Rising against Pandemic Scam
This is a compilation of three videos from London and Berlin recorded on August 29, 2020. Massive and enthusiastic crowds assemble to show their disgust with and defiance of the pandemic scam. Out of tens of thousands, you will see only one person with a mask. David...
Doctor Says COVID-19 Death Statistics are Criminally Fraudulent
Dr. Pamela Popper, teacher and consultant in the field of nutrition-based medicine, reviews the COVID-19 death statistics and shows they are deliberately falsified to make the numbers larger than they really are. When she talks about the unbearable price attached to...
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