Des Moines, Iowa ~ 2023 August 12 – 14
When you click on a speaker’s photo, you will be taken to the video-play page that also describes the content of the presentation you selected.
Thanks to Ben Garrison for creating and donating this great poster.
G. Edward Griffin, Red-Pill Expo Chairman, author of Creature from Jekyll Island: Collectivism vs. Individualism – The Issue behind all Issues.
Mikki Willis, producer of the Plandemic series of documentaries: The Amazing Consequences of my Films. Especially #3, The Great Awakening
Dr. Bryan Ardis, DC, Founder of Ardis Labs: The Evidence is Astounding. It’s not a Virus. It’s a man-made, patented chemical that Imitates Snake Venom!
Kate Shemirani, the British nurse who blew the whistle heard ’round the world: It’s now Government Healthcare Policy to Kill the Old and the Very Sick.
Alex Newman, author, journalist, member of Freedom Force Council: Weaponizing Religion for the New World Order.
John Moore, retired private investigator: The U.S. Government is Ready for a Cataclysm from Space and a Reset of Civilization.
Sherri Tenpenny, DO, is known for reporting the magnetic effect of Covid shots. Topic: Ten Reasons Why You Need to Stay in the Game.
Douglas Frank, PhD, is a professional expert in mathematics and data analysis: The Corrupt Courts Won’t Stop Vote Fraud, but WE can. Here’s How.
Alex Jones, is an Internet commentator known for being controversial and for being right. He will update us on his latest activities and answer questions.*
Lee Merritt, MD, past President of the Assoc. of American Physicians & Surgeons: Why Satanism, Blood Lines, & Other Creepy Stuff is so Dear to the Enemy
Brad Weeks, MD, is a pioneer in “corrective medicine” and nature-based therapies: The Bright Side and the Dark Side of Anti-Ageing Medicine
Mandy Jacob, a
former investment banker, now a mother with two children: Homeschooling is Easy, Joyful, and Necessary.
Alphonzo Monzo, ND, is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in electro-magnetic biologic systems: Iron & Copper, The Greatest Dietary Lie of our Century
Juliette Engel, MD, who headed a child-rescue mission in the Soviet Union: In Ukraine, Heads They Win, Tails We Lose.
Peymon Mottahedeh, President of Freedom Law School will show you how to Defund the D.C. Swamp and instead restore freedom for all Americans.
Robert Scott Bell is a Homeopathic Doctor and the Master of Ceremonies for this event: Don’t let Pediatricians Near Your Children.
Alex Iverson, Magician Extraordinaire, will perform at both VIP dinners. Perfect for an event dedicated to exposing lies and illusions.