A Video Library for the Aware

Unlike daily news, these messages will always be relevant because they reveal eternal truths. This library, like a family heirloom, is to be passed on to future generations for guidance. It is indexed for quick access by key words, names, and topics. Downloading to your private collection is encouraged. With your help, these gems can be preserved for all time.

Random Selections from the Archives

Is the Official Story about the Oklahoma City Bombing a Lie?

Astounding evidence that the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City was done with explosives inside the building, not from a truck on...

Fake COVID Data – What Lies Ahead Because of it

Almost everyone knows that the fatality rate and infection rate for COVID-19 is outrageously exaggerated. If there is any lingering doubt in your...

Vaccine-Injured Health-Care Workers Speak Out

Del Bigtree interviews three professional health-care workers who tell their heart-breaking stories of what happened when they happily accepted the...

How Nazis and Socialists Conquered America

This is the personal testimony of Kitty Werthmann who saw Hitler’s rise to power in pre-war Austria. He did not conquer by force. He was eagerly...

Escape from Hell – Yeonmi Park Describes her Life under Communism

Yeonmi Park, interviewed by Patrick Bet-David, tells her gripping story of starvation in North Korea, being sold as a sex slave in China, escape to...

New York Funeral Directors say COVID-19 Deaths Greatly Exaggerated

New York is not the epicenter for COVID-19 in the US but it is the epicenter for fraudulent death certificates and fake statistics. James O'Keefe of...

Robert Kennedy, Jr, Speaks the Unspeakable about Vaccines

Robert Kennedy, Jr. comes out fighting against those in mainstream media and the Internet who are trying to block him from expressing concerns about...

InDoctorNation (Plandemic 2) Making a Killing with Covid

Wikipedia and other Establishment ‘fact checkers’ are having an attack of apoplexy describing this documentary as an anti-vaccine, conspiracy-theory...

Weaponizing Covid to Advance Collectivism

With the passage of time, the data has become overwhelming that the so-called Covid Pandemic was a man-made version of the Flu that eventually could...

Vintage Early-Warning Pandemic Cartoon – Amazing!

Here is a cartoon from the earliest days of motion-pictures that likely was a commentary on the 1918 Spanish-Flu epidemic. We have been unable to...

Government Corruption Always is Worse at the Top

Heather Brooke is a professor of journalism at City University in the UK and a former member of the Royal United Services Institute...

Lockdown – the Dark Side vs. the Right Side of History

This video includes two presentations: the dark vs. the right side of history in context of the 2020 pandemic...

Deception was My Job – KGB Defector Tells All

Yuri Bezmenov, the son of a high-ranking Soviet officer, was a member of the elite propaganda arm of the KGB, known as the Novasti Press Agency. One...

Class-Action Lawsuit – Reiner Fuellmich Interview

German trial lawyer Reiner Fuellmich follows up on his initial announcement of class-action lawsuits against perpetrators of what he calls the...

Who Changed America from a Republic into a Financial Empire?

Money may not be the root of all evil, but debt-based money IS the root of the economic evil now descending on America. That’s the message from...

Australian Police Officer Speaks Out against Vax

Alexander Cooney, a senior Highway Patrol officer in the Australian NSW Police Force, resigned his position to speak for his fellow officers who are...

An Idea Whose Time has Come – Freedom Force International

History in the making. This is the first public presentation of Freedom Force International. The date was 2006 June 11. There have been many...

How Joseph Stalin Concealed the Death of Adolph Hitler

The death of Adolph Hitler has long been shrouded in mystery and in suspicion that he escaped to South America where he assumed a new persona and...

9/11 TV Coverage that Mainstream Media didn’t Let Us See Twice

Witnesses interviewed on the street immediately after the attack on 9/11 say the planes that struck the Twin Towers were gray, had no airline logos,...

The Theory of Evolution has One Tiny Flaw – No Real Evidence

David Berlinski holds degrees from or has taught at Columbia, Princeton, Stanford, Rutgers, and University of Paris. He has authored books on higher...

Money and Power – Hidden Agendas behind COVID-19

G. Edward Griffin was asked to record a summary of his view of the COVID-19 pandemic, and this is his spontaneous response: There is an abundance of...

The Chasm – Collectivism vs. Individualism by G.E. Griffin

This is the current state of the theme content in Mr. Griffin's next book, which likely will bear the same title. It contains the answer to perhaps...

Short Course on Communist Takeover of the United States

This is a recently discovered excerpt from G. Edward Griffin's 1984 interview with KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov, who explains the four stages of...

Freedom Rising over the Fourth Reich in America – Leigh Dundas

In this speech delivered at a Health-and-Freedom rally in Orange County, California, human-rights attorney Leigh Dundas lights the fire of liberty...

The Great Smart Meter Swindle

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYPwrbpAHbk 'Smart' Meters are one of the biggest scam, scandal, and swindle ever perpetrated on the general public....

15 Most Recent Additions

All others can be accessed at the Archives

The Great Awakening 5 (35)

The Great Awakening 5 (35)

The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic film series produced by Mikki Willis. It delivers an incredibly insigtful message about about...

Murdered for her bed! 5 (38)

Murdered for her bed! 5 (38)

Dr. Vernon Coleman, self-described as “an old man in a chair”, is a retired medical doctor in the UK with a large international following for his...

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