This message was published by G. Edward Griffin on 2024 October 11.
This message is being sent to everyone on my mailing list but it’s of special importance to those who have signed up for the Red Pill Expo in November – or are thinking of doing so. It describes a major change in the form and function of Red-Pill Expo. It will take two or three minutes to read, but it is essential information for anyone interested in how this change could influence the outcome of World War III in which we are now engaged. If you are on my mailing list, that probably includes you. Thanks for reading it.
Hello Dear Friends and Red-Pillers.
It’s happening again! As you probably know, one of my favorite topics is the serendipity that almost always is hidden within tragedies or, as my grandmother used to say: “Every cloud has a silver lining”.
My entire life has been filled with proof that this is true. Every pitfall, every defeat, every illness and failure forced me to make drastic changes in my life, all of which turned out in the long run to be blessings in disguise because they forced me to travel into the unknown, to take risks, to work harder, and think smarter. Well, it looks like it’s happening again.
After several months of building and promoting the Red-Pill Expo scheduled for Tulsa, Oklahoma, on November 16-17, it has become clear that public expectation of civil disorder and government lockdowns following the upcoming elections has caused ticket sales for physical attendance to fall far below what is needed for a live-audience event. Those who live more than a hop, skip, and a jump beyond Tulsa are deeply concerned that flights will be canceled while they are there, with zero availability of rental cars, and gasoline restrictions on top of that.
This concern, valid or not, has put a huge dent in the size of expected attendance, so we must deal with it now while we still have options. Here are our choices:
- Do nothing and blissfully drift with the current hoping for a miracle.
- Sheepishly cancel the event, throw the towel into the ring, and fade into oblivion.
- React like the warriors we say we are and launch a counter maneuver that is even stronger than before.
The third option obviously is our choice, but what makes us think we can do such a thing? How can we take the initiative when we are in retreat mode?
The answer is that not being able to produce a physical event forces us to redesign everything into a livestream event, and that single change brings advantages that we did not have previously. Here are a few of them:
1. There are many potential speakers who are not able to devote three or four days, including travel, to participate in our events, especially if they have to cross a continent or an ocean to get there, but they would be able to make a video presentation from where they are.
2. All of our Expo speakers and executives are volunteers. None of us have ever accepted payment for participation. However, travel, lodging, and meals add up to a lot of moola when applied to thirty or more people, including staff. Without this overhead, we can be more aggressive in promotions, and with the help of virtual exhibitors and sponsors, we think we can offer the two-day Expo to the public entirely free! That has the potential of eventually increasing our audience size a hundred-fold. How about that as an advantage!
3. The resources we previously devoted to physical events have been huge to say the least. Without that burden, we can channel those resources to the establishment of RPU campuses – which always was intended to be the number one goal of Red-Pill University.
Red-Pill Campuses are not made of brick and mortar. They are made of people. They are places for learning, to be sure, but their primary function is to be influential in community power centers (government, schools, media, political parties, labor unions, etc.) for the purpose of replacing collectivists who now dominate public offices – such as City Council, County Supervisors, Board of Education, Mayor, and Sherriff – with citizens who have pledged allegiance to individualism.
It was our original plan to create an annual, national event that would be the first step toward establishing local campuses. What we didn’t anticipate, however, is how much money and manpower would be required to make that happen. We found that we were applying so much of our resources to the national component that we had nothing left over to get those campuses into operation.
Another serendipity in this redesign is that moving the development of campuses into first place and making public events an extension of that activity, is also the solution to the problem of having to travel long-distances to participate.
So, let’s take a closer look at what the new design includes. First of all, our Expos have shifted from physical attendance to livestream events. As mentioned previously, this will allow us to reach far more people and do it faster. Our resources now will be applied primarily to the formation of RPU campuses! That is where we need to be first-and-foremost, because it is the key to building our coalition from the ground-up.
We will miss the camaraderie and excitement of large conferences, but that will soon be replaced by the camaraderie and excitement of joining with neighbors to confront, defeat, and replace the collectivists who now hold positions of authority in our local communities.
When that stage of development is firmly underway and we have 50 or 60 operational campuses, we will be ready to reactivate large, regional conferences with substantial attendance from each of the campuses. At that point we will already be influencing state and national policies – but from bottom-up, not top-down.
While most aspects of this redesign of Red-Pill Expo already are revealing silver linings in the clouds, one problem remains. Some of our hard-core friends have already signed up to physically attend the Tulsa Expo, which means that refunds are expected. Even those who paid to buy a livestream ticket will expect a refund because the livestream now is free. The revenue from these early signups was applied to customer service and event promotion, so it will be difficult to make refunds without going into debt. Most of our new revenue will not be forthcoming until December. So, we decided to monetize some of our most valuable products by offering them at significant discount as refund options in lieu of dollars.
Exhibitors who have signed up for the Tulsa event will be refunded with the additional option of applying their credit to the creation and broadcast of a professional-quality video advertisement designed specifically for livestream Expos and long-term exposure via RPU replays and archive searches. Where possible, the videos will be designed to connect products and services to the red-pill theme of our coalition, and we will work closely with vendors – now referred to as Virtual Exhibitors – to keep their promotions updated and fresh. We also will work with them to promote special sales offers called Perks for Patrons that will be featured on our RPU website. Patrons are those who financially support RPU on a regular basis. Details relating to features and cost will be announced soon.
For Red-Pill Expo to perform its mission without charging for public access to its programming, it must have other sources of revenue. Exhibitor advertising is one such source, but Sponsors will also be needed for additional revenue to maintain a high level of professionalism and visibility. Sponsors are more or less Virtual Exhibitors on Steroids. “More or less” means that Virtual Exhibitors are vendors with something to offer for sale. Sponsors may or may not have a commercial interest. Some may be philanthropic benefactors of our mission. We prominently display their logos and signage to create name recognition and goodwill. Details relating to features and cost will be announced soon.
The Red Pill Expo is a great concept, and it has been field tested. We know it works! Almost everyone – regardless of their knowledge of history or hidden agendas – now knows that something is wrong with the official narrative of current events. The red-pill meme is a perfect metaphor for helping us all realize that we are being lied to about everything that really matters in our lives. That realization tends to bring us all together in common cause in spite of the lies and deceptions that tend to keep us divided.
If you share my vision about the great opportunities that have opened to us by redesigning Red-Pill Expo, please climb on the bandwagon and help me make this work. The call to action is simple:
1. Sign up now for the two-day livestream. You will have three options. Click here.
2. Make a list of your friends and acquaintances who you think would like to know about Red-Pill Expo and tell them about it. Better yet, send them a link to
3. If you personally know anyone in a business that would benefit from advertising to our highly motivated red pillers, send the name and contact to [email protected] so we can talk with them in person.
Please allow me to be a bit dramatic by describing an action image that just now popped into my mind. I see myself and several friends in a canoe in a calm section of a wild river when, suddenly, the current begins to speed up. We know there’s white water ahead, so we hurry to buckle up. But we also know that’s not enough, because it’s purely defensive. We can’t just go with the flow, we have to control our direction and orientation to avoid boulders and drop-offs. The river is at war with us and shows no mercy. The passive defensive is doomed to defeat.
The real war in which we find ourselves today is no different. Victory requires more than silence, hiding, and avoiding confrontation. We must have an offense as well. We also must man the paddles and strive to create our own movement, our own goals, our own destiny.
Thanks for following all the way through with this. I hope you will enjoy the New Expo.
G. Edward Griffin
P.S. This has been an incredibly heavy task to redesign and execute so many changes in just a fw days, and it is almost certain that there are some Gremlins still in the works. But, all-in-all, I am amazed that we were able to get it done while there still is time to let everone know about it before start date. There are plenty of people out there who would love to see our Expo founder and expire – but we are determined to make just the opposite happen. Please help us pull this off. If at all possible, come on board with the casino or VIP option and, above all, inspire your like-minded friends to come on board also. And may the Force of Freedom be with you.