Kevin Ryan was site manager at a subsidiary of Underwriters Laboratories, that tests products for safety. UL certified the steel used to build the World Trade Center. He realized the report included serious errors and, according to the tests at UL, the buildings...
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Janitor in North Tower on 9/11 Describes Explosions before Plane Impact
On 9/11, William Rodriguez, a janitor with a master key to the North Tower of the World Trade Center, risked his life to help those trapped inside. He was hailed as a hero, but mainstream media and the 9/11 Commission Investigation blocked his testimony about an...
Collapse of World-Trade-Center Bldg-7 not Caused by Fire
A study by forensic engineers at University of Alaska, Fairbanks, concludes that the fall of Building 7 on 9/11 was not caused by fire. This contradicts the findings of the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). The university computer simulated the...
EPA Scientist Persecuted for Telling Truth about 9/11 Toxic Dust
Christine Todd Whitman, the head of the EPA on 9/11, falsely assured New York residents, rescuers, and first responders that the air was safe to breathe following the destruction of the WTC buildings. In truth, however, the event released clouds of toxic dust that has...
9/11 TV Coverage that Mainstream Media didn’t Let Us See Twice
Witnesses interviewed on the street immediately after the attack on 9/11 say the planes that struck the Twin Towers were gray, had no airline logos, and no windows. Firefighters tell of explosions far below fire-damaged floors BEFORE the buildings began to collapse....
Testimony of 9/11 Bldg-7 Survivor Contradicts Government’s Version
In 2001, Barry Jennings was the Deputy Director of Emergency Services for the New York City Housing Authority. On the morning of 9/11, he was called to the World Trade Center. He describes being trapped inside Building 7 by a massive explosion from the lobby, hours...
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