Witnesses interviewed on the street immediately after the attack on 9/11 say the planes that struck the Twin Towers were gray, had no airline logos, and no windows. Firefighters tell of explosions far below fire-damaged floors BEFORE the buildings began to collapse. These segments were quickly removed by mainstream media. Originally published by Zendrius, 2017 Sep 12. [Source] [Cached]
9/11 TV Coverage that Mainstream Media didn’t Let Us See Twice
by Alex Newman | Sep 14, 2019 | All items, Censorship, Conspiracies, Liberty | 4 comments
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Is this footage available anywhere?
Some is available on the Internet, but most of it has been shadow banned or scrubbed.
G. Edward Griffin
What happened to the days when they claimed never post compromising pictures of yourself on the line because once out there you can never get it off the line. ‘They’ seem to be quite successful at removing the truth. We have to get better at copying and reposting the important info.
Look for Septembre clues, The experts speak out from Architects and Engineering for the 911 truth at altcensor.com. I’m sure I seen this part in one of them or maybe from the News Chanel clips you could find on Internet Archive