This address by G. Edward Griffin delivered on April 3, 1969 is as current as today's headlines. Drawing entirely from Communist literature and training manuals, he shows that the Leninist strategy for conquest involves two kinds of revolution. One is violent. The...
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Candace Owens: “George Floyd is NOT my Hero”
In this message, recorded on her mobile phone, Candace Owens rapid-fires fact after fact that politicians and mainstream media refuse to mention about the death of George Floyd. After listening to the wisdom and seeing the passion of this young woman, and realizing...
The War on Cops is not about Racism
Heather MacDonald, author of The War on Cops, strips away the usual emotionalism from the issue of police brutality and turns, instead, to statistics. The numbers are shocking. Instead of supporting the widespread belief that American police are infected with systemic...
Former Leftwing Blogger Exposes Media Lies about Alleged Racism
St. Paul, Minnesota: A store manager from the Chipotle fast food chain refused to serve Masud Ali, a black man, and several of his friends before they paid for their food, because they had ordered meals in the past and then refused to pay. Ali posted a video of the...
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