This article by Ginny Garner was originally published at “Be thankful for your enemies. Hardship makes us strong. Tyranny forces us to do what we thought we couldn’t do. I see a terrible, terrible conflict coming, but this is going to turn out really,...
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Weaponizing Covid to Advance Collectivism
With the passage of time, the data has become overwhelming that the so-called Covid Pandemic was a man-made version of the Flu that eventually could serve as a plausible excuse to require everyone in the world to agree to endless so-called vaccinations, which was the...
Money and Power – Hidden Agendas behind COVID-19
G. Edward Griffin was asked to record a summary of his view of the COVID-19 pandemic, and this is his spontaneous response: There is an abundance of bad science to be seen in pandemic statistics, attempts to flatten the curve, and touting vaccines as the ultimate...
Covid-19 was Patented Before the Pandemic Began.
This presentation follows the trail of patents issued for Sars-CoVi-2 (Covid-19) gene sequences years before the pandemic began. The trail also leads to pre-Covid patents for components of anti-Covid ‘vaccines’, patents that were obtained by individuals and companies...
Doctor Says the COVID-19 Hoax could be America’s Last Hurrah
Sherry Tenpenny, MD, has spent most of her medical career sounding the alarm about the health hazards of vaccines, and the politicization of pandemic science. This program is a train load of information on just about every aspect of these topics. Here is a sampling:...
Pretended Threats to Justify Perpetual Servitude
James Corbett shows how pretended pandemics and Global Warming are being used as psychological weapons to frighten the public into acceptance of totalitarian government, supposedly offered as the solution to those threats. He argues that the only way to prevent this...
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