This mile-long train of approximately 300 military vehicles equipped with cutting-edge laser and EMF weapons was video recorded in California on April 21, 2019. Dana Ashlie identified the nature of the weapons mounted on the vehicles by comparing them to photos in the...
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Hazards of Mobile-Phone and Wireless Radiation are HUGE
With a PhD in Science, and a Master's in Public Health, Devra Davis served on the US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board from 1994 to 1999. She was on the team that investigated the hazard of second-hand cigarette smoke that led to the smoking ban on...
Words in Your Head that Aren’t Yours
David Icke plunges into the eerie topic of how technology is used to plant thoughts, opinions, emotions and impulses into the subconscious mind as a pathway to the conscious mind where we perceive them as being our own. The science of behavior engineering was...
The Great Smart Meter Swindle 'Smart' Meters are one of the biggest scam, scandal, and swindle ever perpetrated on the general public. This video explains why that is the case, what to do if you are told you need to have a smart meter installed, and what...
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