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Anarchy U.S.A. – Communism in the Name of Civil Rights 5 (89)

Anarchy U.S.A. – Communism in the Name of Civil Rights 5 (89)

This documentary, written by G. Edward Griffin in 1965, was forgotten for many years, but is far from out of date. It reveals lessons and insights that could not have been fully appreciated at the time it was produced. This is not about blacks vs. whites. It is about...

Red Pill Expo: Celebrating G. Edward Griffin’s 90th Birthday 5 (40)

Red Pill Expo: Celebrating G. Edward Griffin’s 90th Birthday 5 (40)

This article by Ginny Garner was originally published at “Be thankful for your enemies. Hardship makes us strong. Tyranny forces us to do what we thought we couldn’t do. I see a terrible, terrible conflict coming, but this is going to turn out really,...

The Great Awakening 5 (38)

The Great Awakening 5 (38)

The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic film series produced by Mikki Willis. It delivers an incredibly insigtful message about about the pending collapse of civilization as we know it in the wake of a pretended pandemic called COVID-19. It not...

G. Edward Griffin Answers Tough Questions 4.9 (36)

G. Edward Griffin Answers Tough Questions 4.9 (36)

Mr. Griffin answers tough questions from listeners to Scott Shara’s podcast, Deprogramming with Grace’s Dad. Topics explored include Good vs. Evil, The Real Cause of Cancer, Why Governments Become Crime Syndicates, Geo Engineering, The Dark Side of Large Tax-Exempt...

The Chasm – Collectivism vs. Individualism by G.E. Griffin 4.9 (104)

The Chasm – Collectivism vs. Individualism by G.E. Griffin 4.9 (104)

This is the current state of the theme content in Mr. Griffin's next book, which likely will bear the same title. It contains the answer to perhaps the greatest riddle of all history: Why does homo sapiens, the most intelligent creature on Earth, repeatedly throw off...

The Discovery of Noah’s Ark – It’s Really There! 4.8 (65)

The Discovery of Noah’s Ark – It’s Really There! 4.8 (65)

Noah’s Ark has been found, and here is the evidence, including photographs. You can visit it yourself without having to climb a glacier to get there! It is in Turkey 17 miles from Mt. Ararat at the 6,000 foot elevation. It was man-made, was designed as a boat,...

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Immigration as a Tool
to Eliminate Nations

Agendas behind Transgenderism

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Is the Universe without Purpose or by Design?

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Red-Pill Projects

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