An Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) from an attack or even from the Sun would kill the vast majority of Americans in a short time period by frying all electronics and ending civilization, warned Congressional EMP Task Force chief Dr. Peter Vincent Pry in an interview from...
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Red Pill Expo: Celebrating G. Edward Griffin’s 90th Birthday
This article by Ginny Garner was originally published at “Be thankful for your enemies. Hardship makes us strong. Tyranny forces us to do what we thought we couldn’t do. I see a terrible, terrible conflict coming, but this is going to turn out really,...
Humanity Seduced into COVID Tyranny Warns Professor
Clinical Psychology Professor Mattias Desmet has studied the psychology of totalitarianism and says that people have been hypnotized into submission through mass hypnosis known as 'mass formation.' The masses are led to crave a remedy from induced stress, priming them...
RFK: Fauci to Blame for 300k Deaths, Must Be Exposed
In an episode of "Conversations That Matter" for The New American Magazine with Red Pill University's Alex Newman, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told host Alex Newman that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and their allies are responsible for huge numbers of deaths and they are...
Microbiologist says Vaccines will Decimate World’s Population
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, an American-trained microbiologist now living in Germany, says the Covid-19 pandemic is a fraud because it is based on case and death statistics that are 99% false. He also says that mRNA vaccines are, not only loaded with poisons, they alter the...
Freedom Rising over the Fourth Reich in America – Leigh Dundas
In this speech delivered at a Health-and-Freedom rally in Orange County, California, human-rights attorney Leigh Dundas lights the fire of liberty in the hearts of her audience as she shows the parallels between the rise of tyranny in Nazi Germany under the banner of...
How Nazis and Socialists Conquered America
This is the personal testimony of Kitty Werthmann who saw Hitler’s rise to power in pre-war Austria. He did not conquer by force. He was eagerly welcomed by the people because the Nazis promised free health care, guaranteed income, unemployment benefits, free nursery...
Governor Noem tells how South Dakota Benefited from no Lockdown
Kristy Noem, Governor of South Dakota, speaking at a conference of Hillsdale College, describes how she came to reject the advice of national and international authorities who were calling for masking, social distancing, and lockdown measures supposedly to combat a...
China’s Chief Epidemiologist admits COVID-19 was Never Proven to Exist
Andrew Kaufman, MD, interviewed by Del Bigtree, delivers an excellent short course on the risks of Covid tests and vaccines. The Interview is preceded by a short clip from an NBC report on 2021 January 23 in which China’s Chief epidemiologist, Dr. Wu Zunyou, says:...
The Metamorphosis of George Orwell and the Message of 1984
This is a BBC documentary on the life of George Orwell, author of two of the most acclaimed satires ever written, Animal Farm and 1984. Equally significant, but far less known, is the author’s dramatic journey through life and the extremes of his experiences. Put all...
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