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60 Minutes Exposes Swine-Flu Hoax and Vaccine Injuries of 1976 4.9 (54)

60 Minutes Exposes Swine-Flu Hoax and Vaccine Injuries of 1976 4.9 (54)

This is a largely forgotten episode of CBS’s 60 Minutes in which the program’s lead reporter, Mike Wallace, exposes profound corruption and fraud at the highest levels of public-health agencies. The predictions of doom coming from these trusted sources caused public...

Doctor says Viruses are Result of Illness, not the Cause 4.9 (24)

Doctor says Viruses are Result of Illness, not the Cause 4.9 (24)

Andrew Kaufman, MD, is credentialed in biology, medicine, oncology, and psychiatry. In this presentation, he shows that viruses and exosomes are the same thing. They are essential to health because they remove toxins from sick cells and tell the immune system to...

MIT Scientist Says Viruses Do Not Harm or Kill us 4.8 (129)

MIT Scientist Says Viruses Do Not Harm or Kill us 4.8 (129)

Shiva Ayyadurai, PhD, a scientist at MIT, conducts a crash course on the immune system. Viruses and bacteria comprise a large part of our bodies, and we live in harmony with them all our lives. Any potential harm they may cause is blocked by an efficient immune...

Why Doctors Prescribe Drugs for EVERYTHING 4.8 (98)

Why Doctors Prescribe Drugs for EVERYTHING 4.8 (98)

Dr. Bruce Lipton is a pioneer in Epigenetics, the study of how attitudes and emotions affect biological functions. This is a montage of the highlights of his long-form interview by Brian Rose on London Real. Everyone knows the power of the placebo effect in which the...

New Evidence That Viruses are Friends, not Enemies. Really! 4.8 (62)

New Evidence That Viruses are Friends, not Enemies. Really! 4.8 (62)

In this nine-minute video, the current theory that viruses cause illness is compared to an emerging theory of exosomes, which have the same structure and the same content as viruses but which are immune-system 'good guys'. That's because their function is to gather...

The War between Citizen Science and Corporate Science 4.2 (18)

The War between Citizen Science and Corporate Science 4.2 (18)

MIT scientist Shiva Ayyadurai, PhD argues that the scientific profession which once was dedicated to the discovery of truth has morphed into a community of con artists for hire to the highest bidders which, in today's world, are Big Government and Big Pharma. He says...

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