James Corbett shows how pretended pandemics and Global Warming are being used as psychological weapons to frighten the public into acceptance of totalitarian government, supposedly offered as the solution to those threats. He argues that the only way to prevent this...
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Everything They are Doing to Control COVID-19 is Wrong
Former head of the Department of Epidemiology at Rockefeller University, says the strategies to protect against COVID-19 are violating every standard protocol for the control of contagious diseases.
Urgent-Care Doctors Explain why Quarantine is a Bad Idea
Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, owners of an urgent care facility in California, say hospitals are empty because 'non-essential' surgeries have been canceled while many doctors and nurses have been sent home to make room for COVID-19 patients that never showed...
Nobel-Prize-Winning Scientist Says Lockdown is a “Huge Mistake”
Lockdown of the population to slow the spread of COVID-19 was a huge mistake says Prof. Michael Levitt, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and the DeLano Award for Computational Biosciences. This Stanford University Professor is an internationally recognized...
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