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An Idea Whose Time has Come – Freedom Force International 5 (92)

An Idea Whose Time has Come – Freedom Force International 5 (92)

History in the making. This is the first public presentation of Freedom Force International. The date was 2006 June 11. There have been many proposals for ways to reverse the global tide of collectivism, but none have worked. In this address, G. Edward Griffin,...

Weaponizing Covid to Advance Collectivism 5 (27)

Weaponizing Covid to Advance Collectivism 5 (27)

With the passage of time, the data has become overwhelming that the so-called Covid Pandemic was a man-made version of the Flu that eventually could serve as a plausible excuse to require everyone in the world to agree to endless so-called vaccinations, which was the...

The Republic Of Texas – Remember the Alamo 5 (28)

The Republic Of Texas – Remember the Alamo 5 (28)

Until a few years ago, I never paid much attention to the history behind the slogan: “Remember the Alamo.’ All I knew was that some very brave men fought to the death to defend the Mission in San Antonio against a vastly superior Mexican army led by General Santa...

Communist China Has a Million People in “Re-Education” Camps 5 (4)

Communist China Has a Million People in “Re-Education” Camps 5 (4)

The Communist Chinese dictatorship has hundreds of thousands or even more than a million minority Muslims imprisoned in a sprawling network of "re-education" centers. Like Christians and Falun Gong practitioners, the Uighur Muslim community in Western China faces...

“I am the Majority!” 5 (655)

“I am the Majority!” 5 (655)

Here is one of the most powerful and memorable speeches ever delivered – and it is less than 5 minutes. It was delivered on April 3, 2018, as a public comment before the City Council of Greensboro, North Carolina, on a proposal to prevent gun shows from being held...

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G. Edward Griffin’s Lectures,
Commentaries & Productions

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Collectivism vs.

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Covid & Vaccine
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Covid & Vaccine
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Grand Deceptions 

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Banking & Inflation

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Sex Trafficking

Posing as Education

Posing as News

Murder Posing as
Eugenics & Health Care

Behind the Myth
of Global Warming

Mass Shootings
& Psychiatric Drugs

Occultism &
Satanism in High Places

Hidden Agendas
behind Digital Currencies

Using Race, Religion &
More to Divide & Conquer

False Leadership &
Controlled Opposition

Technocracy, Excuse
for Uelected Rulers

Behind the War
against Local Police

Transhumanism &
Artificial Intelligence

Immigration as a Tool
to Eliminate Nations

Agendas behind Transgenderism

Survival Preparedness for Worst-Case Scenarios

Is the Universe without Purpose or by Design?

Freedom Force &
Red-Pill Projects

Essential for Tyranny

Power Corrupts

Psyops &
Mind Control

Horrors in the
Name of Psychiatr

Ancient Civilizations
& Technology

Proven Strategies to
Defeat Collectivism

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