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Five Doctors Conclude that COVID-19 Shots are Bioweapons 5 (30)

Five Doctors Conclude that COVID-19 Shots are Bioweapons 5 (30)

Five doctors (Larry Palevsky, Sherri Tenpenny, Christiane Northrup, Carrie Madej, and Lee Merritt) discuss composition and after effects of COVID-19 shots, and conclude that they (1) are not vaccines, (2) were not designed to protect against Covid-19 and, in fact, do...

Vaccine-Injured Health-Care Workers Speak Out 5 (115)

Vaccine-Injured Health-Care Workers Speak Out 5 (115)

Del Bigtree interviews three professional health-care workers who tell their heart-breaking stories of what happened when they happily accepted the mRNA vaccine. Within a few days of the injections, they were in constant, full-body convulsions. When the hospitals and...

Weaponizing Covid to Advance Collectivism 5 (27)

Weaponizing Covid to Advance Collectivism 5 (27)

With the passage of time, the data has become overwhelming that the so-called Covid Pandemic was a man-made version of the Flu that eventually could serve as a plausible excuse to require everyone in the world to agree to endless so-called vaccinations, which was the...

60 Minutes Exposes Swine-Flu Hoax and Vaccine Injuries of 1976 4.9 (54)

60 Minutes Exposes Swine-Flu Hoax and Vaccine Injuries of 1976 4.9 (54)

This is a largely forgotten episode of CBS’s 60 Minutes in which the program’s lead reporter, Mike Wallace, exposes profound corruption and fraud at the highest levels of public-health agencies. The predictions of doom coming from these trusted sources caused public...

Renowned Physician Says Vaccines Are Bioterrorism 4.9 (296)

Renowned Physician Says Vaccines Are Bioterrorism 4.9 (296)

Peter McCullough, MD, is Professor of Medicine and Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University. He also teaches at Texas A&M University, and is one of the most widely cited physicians in the world. He is interviewed here by Reiner Fuellmich, a German...

RFK: Fauci to Blame for 300k Deaths, Must Be Exposed 4.9 (98)

RFK: Fauci to Blame for 300k Deaths, Must Be Exposed 4.9 (98)

In an episode of "Conversations That Matter" for The New American Magazine with Red Pill University's Alex Newman, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told host Alex Newman that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and their allies are responsible for huge numbers of deaths and they are...

Mass Funeral in Switzerland for Children Killed by Vaccines 4.8 (52)

Mass Funeral in Switzerland for Children Killed by Vaccines 4.8 (52)

This short video needs no explanation. These bereaved parents trusted the knowledge and integrity of political and health "authorities". Now their children are dead. This is all the more tragic when one realizes that children are at almost zero risk of dying from this...

Engineered Pandemics –Tyranny by Technocracy 4.8 (380)

Engineered Pandemics –Tyranny by Technocracy 4.8 (380)

This is a comprehensive overview of the hidden agendas behind the alleged COVID-19 pandemic. It is a presentation by Lee Merritt, MD, at the 2020 conference of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness. If you have any doubts about the reliability of the official narrative of...

MIT Scientist Says Viruses Do Not Harm or Kill us 4.8 (129)

MIT Scientist Says Viruses Do Not Harm or Kill us 4.8 (129)

Shiva Ayyadurai, PhD, a scientist at MIT, conducts a crash course on the immune system. Viruses and bacteria comprise a large part of our bodies, and we live in harmony with them all our lives. Any potential harm they may cause is blocked by an efficient immune...

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