What is the Federal Reserve system? How did it come into existence? Is it part of the federal government? How does it create money? Why is the public kept in the dark about these important matters? In this feature-length...
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The Money Gods – How Fascism Came to America
Historian and journalist F. William Engdahl delivers in one lecture an amazingly comprehensive overview of international capital concentration and capture of governments culminating in global fascism. This is based on the classic definition of fascism as corporate...
There are TWO Londons – Why it Matters
Why are there two Londons? What is the City of London, and how does it differ from, well, London? How does the medieval corporation, which is the City of London, undermine attempts to curb the excesses in global finance. Most importantly, why is it that most people...
Who Changed America from a Republic into a Financial Empire?
Money may not be the root of all evil, but debt-based money IS the root of the economic evil now descending on America. That’s the message from Damon Vrabel, a graduate of Harvard Business School and former Wall Street executive. This presentation shatters the myth...
What Crypto will the Federal Reserve Endorse? In this video, crypto-currency analyst Dick Allgiere suggests that the Federal Reserve is involved in the crypto space and will be getting more deeply involved as part of the ongoing digitalization and centralization of...
The Greatest Depression has Begun
The world’s greatest depression is no longer a dark cloud on the horizon, it is upon us. Speaking in March 2020, James Corbett confronts this reality and concludes that our only recourse now is to do what is necessary to survive the storm. To do that, we must realize...
The Capitalist Conspiracy – An Inside View of International Banking
[Patrons only, all levels] In this classic documentary, G. Edward Griffin explains how the money powers secretly rule the world--and how it affects you more than you may think. Source: G. Edward Griffin / Red...
3 Ways Bitcoin could be Brought Down, Co-opted, or Made Irrelevant
In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto served the world an entirely new kind of currency. It was one that people could move over the internet instantaneously and nearly free of charge. Issued and distributed not by a central bank but by its own users, it drew the drapes of privacy...
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