A Library for the Aware

Unlike daily news, these messages will always be relevant because they reveal eternal truths. This library, like a family heirloom, is to be passed on to future generations for guidance. It is indexed for quick access by key words, categories, and topics. Downloading to your private collection is encouraged. With your help, we can preserve these gems for all time.

Random Selections from the Library

Collectivism and the Federal Reserve

This presentation will change the way you think about politics, money, and the role of the state. It was delivered at a political fund-raising...

Edward Bernays – The Father of Opinion Engineering

This is the story of Edward Bernays, known as the father of modern marketing and propaganda – the man who changed Western culture and American...

The Weaponization of Social Media

Now openly admitted, governments around the world employ armies of keyboard warriors to spread propaganda and disrupt their online opposition. Their...

“I am the Majority!”

Here is one of the most powerful and memorable speeches ever delivered – and it is less than 5 minutes. It was delivered on April 3, 2018, as a...

Deadliest Virus in the World: Communism

With this video Charlie Kirk squeezes into just 8 minutes (1) how Communists worldwide have used violent conflict, based on identity politics, to...

When did Global Overpopulation become Underpopulation?

Perhaps you have suspected that the specter of world overpopulation has been exaggerated but still accept the inevitability that, sooner or later,...

Doctor Says COVID-19 Death Statistics are Criminally Fraudulent

Dr. Pamela Popper, teacher and consultant in the field of nutrition-based medicine, reviews the COVID-19 death statistics and shows they are...

Doctor says Viruses are Result of Illness, not the Cause

Andrew Kaufman, MD, is credentialed in biology, medicine, oncology, and psychiatry. In this presentation, he shows that viruses and exosomes are the...

Everything They are Doing to Control COVID-19 is Wrong

Professor Knut Wittkowski, former head of the Department of Epidemiology at Rockefeller University, speaks out against the fact that the...

Creature From Jekyll Island – Banking is Legalized Plunder

In this vintage video, G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, takes a hard look at the Federal Reserve System, explaining...

Who Changed America from a Republic into a Financial Empire?

Money may not be the root of all evil, but debt-based money IS the root of the economic evil now descending on America. That’s the message from...

The Chasm – Collectivism vs. Individualism by G.E. Griffin

This is the current state of the theme content in Mr. Griffin's next book, which likely will bear the same title. It contains the answer to perhaps...

Microbiologist says Vaccines will Decimate World’s Population

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, an American-trained microbiologist now living in Germany, says the Covid-19 pandemic is a fraud because it is based on case and...

Global Warming Totally and Mercilessly Debunked

Marc Morano, producer of the documentary Climate Hustle, delivers a trainload of facts to support his forensic analysis of the theory of global...

The Hidden Agenda behind COVID-19 Lockdowns

Author David Icke reminds us that the coronavirus is a serious threat only to the elderly, and those with preexisting health conditions or...

Why did Bill Gates Switch from Software to Vaccines?

The answer is given in the first 60 seconds of this documentary when Gates says the investment return on vaccines is 20 to 1. But the story does not...

Professor of Medicine: Warns Vax Greater Threat than Covid

Delores Cahill is a full Professor at the School of Medicine, University College, Dublin Ireland, and she blows the whistle on the covid vax, which...

Collapse of World-Trade-Center Bldg-7 not Caused by Fire

A study by forensic engineers at University of Alaska, Fairbanks, concludes that the fall of Building 7 on 9/11 was not caused by fire. This...

The Man who Discovered the Mysterious Power of Spiraling Water

The topic of this 2008 documentary is more significant than it might appear. What's the big deal about water? The answer is that water is perhaps...

Was Epstein’s ‘Suicide’ a Scapegoat Ritual?

In Biblical times, it was common for societies to put the blame for their sins and failures on a goat and then sacrifice the goat to the gods to...

Global Cooling – Ice Age Now…


Why the Theory of Evolution is So-o Unscientific

A.E. Wilder-Smith was a British university professor in the 1970s who challenged the theory of evolution between species on scientific grounds. He...

The Money Gods – How Fascism Came to America

Historian and journalist F. William Engdahl delivers in one lecture an amazingly comprehensive overview of international capital concentration and...

EPIC Battle: Helen Lewis vs. Jordan Peterson

This is a full-on battle of wits and ideas between reality and illusion - a video interview produced by British GQ magazine that will keep you on...

Doctors Speak Out against COVID-19 Lies

Seventeen doctors with extensive experience treating patients with symptoms attributed to COVID-19, gathered on the steps of the Supreme Court in...

12 Most-Recent Additions

All others can be accessed at the Archives

The Great Awakening 5 (37)

The Great Awakening 5 (37)

The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic film series produced by Mikki Willis. It delivers an incredibly insigtful message about about...

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by name or word

or by curricula

It can be difficult to know where to begin, so we created four curricula based on student prior knowledge. Each level builds upon the previous one. Selections were inspired by The Art of War, written in 500 BC by the Chinese military strategist, Sun Tzu, who taught that victory is possible only if we truly know our opponent and ourselves.

This index is being compiled.

Home-School Curriculum

Freshman Curriculum

Senior Curriculum

Graduate Curriculum

or by special interest

G. Edward Griffin’s Lectures,
Commentaries & Productions

Red Pill Expos by date.
Lists location, speaker & topic.

Collectivism vs.

Secret Societies
& Real Conspiracies

Pandemics & Vaccines
Health & Science Issues

Pandemics & Vaccines
Political & Social Issues

Pandemics & Vaccines
Social Issues

False Flags & Other
Grand Deceptions 

Behind Money,
Banking & Inflation

Pedophilia &
Sex Trafficking

Posing as Education

Posing as News

Murder Posing as
Eugenics & Health Care

Behind the Myth
of Global Warming

Mass Shootings
& Psychiatric Drugs

Occultism &
Satanism in High Places

Hidden Agendas
behind Digital Currencies

Using Race, Religion &
More to Divide & Conquer

False Leadership &
Controlled Opposition

Technocracy, Excuse
for Uelected Rulers

Behind the War
against Local Police

Transhumanism &
Artificial Intelligence

Immigration as a Tool
to Eliminate Nations

Agendas behind Transgenderism

Survival Preparedness for Worst-Case Scenarios

Is the Universe Random
or with Design?

Freedom Force &
Red-Pill Projects

Essential for Tyranny

Power Corrupts

Psyops &
Mind Control

Horrors in the
Name of Psychiatr

Astonishing Mysteries
That Matter

Proven Strategies to
Defeat Collectivism

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